



The nature, trails and views are breathtaking  it was the perfect choice for my 1st 100 miler. Also organized very well and the volunteers were very helpful as well.

Andraž Renko, Slovenia

Emperor, 100 miles

A couple of days ago, 100km was just a number in my head… Thanks to YOU, dear volunteers and organizers, it is now the most testing activity I’ve done in my life. You were so friendly, kind and helpful along the course. Words are powerless to express my gratitude.

Perfect marking, amazing nature, technical race (at least for me).

Come on people, try it!

Kata Kertész, Hungary

Centurion, 100km

One of the best events and races where i have been and done it ) happy, kind and very nice people all around  … Thank you so much and hope we will come again next year  I think, I can say this from all of us from Czech Republic and Slovakia crew 

[In May 2018, Petra went to Slovenia to run on UTVV. There she met her husband and they got married 11 months later.]

Petra Curinova (Czech Republic)

Gladiator, 50km

From the day I entered in South Africa, Bostjan was available to communicate via telephone regarding payment options, all went smoothly, registration was festive as well as the start of the 52km. The route was technical, but do able, I will even brave Nanos again, but o my word that last 2kms! I would have loved that to be a gravel road. Having said all that, I will be back next year in a heart beat and this time with hiking poles.

Maruanda Wynne (South Africa)

Gladiator, 50km

Thank you for this amazing event; the organisation was excellent and the staff was very friendly and professional. I loved my experience.
You guys rock!!!

Tisa Bocun (Canada)

Legionar, 30km

I wanted to thank you for everything and congratulate you on your beautiful and demanding race. The long night hours of this period require strong willpower. Congratulations also to all the volunteers, for their kindness and availability. Eating pizza had never happened to me, or steaks! When you feel good it’s great, you feel like you are on a trip and not a race. I came home full of experience and good feelings, and this is a great gift. Thank you with all my heart.

Vittorio Benvenuti (Italia)

Emperor, 160km

The nature, trails and views are breathtaking  it was the perfect choice for my 1st 100 miler. Also organized very well and the volunteers were very helpful as well.

Andraž Renko, Slovenia

Emperor, 100 miles

31:13 Stunden für 163km, 6700hm – super Organisation, extrem freundliche Helfer und eine ganz persönliche, liebevolle Betreuung.

Joachim Bühler, (Switzerland)

Emperor, 160km

Hvala za še eno lepo zgodbo, odlično organizacijo, sploh v času covid blaznosti. Za najlepše vreme, ki je bilo tako prav zaradi pozitive pri vseh, ki se trudite, da je UTVV to kar je. Najboljši! Hvala vsem prostovoljcem na okrepčevalnicah in na trasi.

Aljoša, (Slovenia)

I dalje sam pod dojmom onog što sam jučer doživio, doduše večina ljudi misli da se tu radi o kilometrima, dužini rute, usponu, itd., no to je samo jedan djelić svega. Toliko susretljivosti među ljudima nikad nisam doživio i time sam oduševljen. Svaki puta kada bi pored nekoga prošli, čulo bi se “Bravo!”, “Sretno” i slično, no moram priznati da mi je bila sjajna i vrlo poticajna jedna izjava neke bakice “Ajde, ajde, još malo…”, a pred nama još 34 km . O ulasku u cilj da ne pričam! Vjerojatno sam fasciniran tim kolektivnim pozitivnim okruženjem jer je to u današnje vrijeme gotovo utopija. Sve u svemu; odlično iskustvo, prekrasni ljudi, fascinantni krajolici i samo 8 sati za intenzivno razmišljanje

Mario Matoković, (Croatia)

Gladiator, 50km

Questo fine settima ero in trasferta in Slovenia a farmi un giretto sulla UTVV Emperor. Un altro bel regalo insieme a Massimo, e premio di categoria Gara impegnativa, senza sconti, una sfida, anche per i lunghi tratti notturni. Ristori carichi di entusiasmo. In piena notte, nel bosco, trovare musica e  animazione contagiosa; la pizza al castello, le bistecche! Che mangiate! E complimenti

agli organizzatori, tanta passione.

Vittorio Benvenuti, (Italia)

Emperor, 160km

The people, the nature with the beautiful trails, the organization with their volunteers…. they create an unique atmosphere during the whole event..!
Love to go back again ❤️
Thanks and greetings!

Chris Van Beem, Holland

Emperor, 100 miles

Awesome race, awesome places, the nature, the mountains… so everything. The UTVV staff were also amazing. Thanks for the smiles 

Timi Losonc, Hungary

Centurion, 100km (2019 winner)

I ran the 50k as my first ultra and I couldn’t ask for a better race for it to be my first. The organisation of the race was one of if not the best I’ve seen, all the way from buying entry to post race. The volunteers were great – from the Roman soldiers and cheer leaders to all the people manning the aid stations made the experience even better. In terms of the 50k route, it was a beautiful route, consisting of mostly trails with some road. Big thanks to everyone that contributed to making it a great race!

Jack Edward Lancefield (United Kindom)

Gladiator, 50km

When I accidentally stumbled upon the promotional video, I knew it was a race I wanted to do. I’ve visited Slovenia a number of times in the past, and I thought this would be a cool way to experience this beautiful region.

I was not let down! I throughly enjoyed the race, it was well organized, well marked beautiful course, fantastic volunteers! I experienced so much kindness and beauty!

When I was on top of Nanos, I had to stop for a few minutes as I was in total awe!

I didn’t end up “racing”, instead, I took my sweet time and took lots of photos that will remind me of wonderful memories. I would most definitely recommend this race to any of my friends! From the bottom of my heart, all I can say is hvala, hvala, hvala!

Agnes Jung (Canada)

Gladiator, 50km

What a great race!
My girlfriend and I ran the 25K and had a wonderful time. The course is challenging but very well marked and offers great views. There are plenty of aid stations with a good variety of drinks and snacks.
To top it all off, we got a bottle of wine and a t-shirt when we picked up our race packets.
I would definitely run this race again.

Andrej Zalar, SLO

Legionar, 30km

Čestitam vsem ostalim, ki so prišli preizkušati svoje meje na katero od prog. In čestitke

organizatorju, ki jim je uspel veličasten dogodek. Proga ni lahka. Je pravi test za raziskovanje lastnih meja.

Peter Macuh, (Slovenia)

Emperor, 160km

Tako sem v zgodnjem mrzlem sobotnem jutru za trening najprej zagrizel v tekmovalno UTVV traso čez Nanos, jo po 40 kilometrskem sedem urnem navijanju ter vzpodbujanju tekmovalcev sklenil v Vipavi in dan v ciljni ravnini pobirajoč GPS sledilnike tekmovalcev s 100 miljske in 100 kilometrske proge zaključil v nedeljo ob eni uri zjutraj. Moj prispevek k tekmi je bil sicer skromen, a tudi to delo mora nekdo opraviti.

S tem sem končno dobil priložnost videti tekmo tudi z “druge” strani, se sproščeno spočit podružiti z organizatorji, navijači, tekmovalci in iz srca iskreno čestitati tekačem ob prihodu v cilj – biti priča njihovemu veselju je bilo nekaj neprecenljivega. Sploh zato, ker iz lastnih izkušenj točno vem, kaj človek občuti, ko z lastnimi nogami premaga komajda predstavljive razdalje in se pri tem naužije vseh čudežnih lepot narave ob poti!

Gregor Sterle, (Slovenia)


Finisher de l’UTVV


165KM pour 7000mD+

Vendredi Matin Je regarde les amis du PC course et je leur dis j’en fais des Counneries mais celle la est la plus grosse que j’accepte comme Challenge et eux tout de suite n’ont que des mots qui me touchent:

  1. C’est que dans la tête, c’est juste un voyage
  2. Tu découvriras notre belle vallée de VIPAVA
  3. Tu t’arrêtes quand tu auras envie mais n’oublie pas de regarder autour de Toi et les étoiles au dessus de Toi

Entre nous j’arrive ici et je me rends compte que je fais vraiment parti de la minorité visible , j’appréhende un peu .

Purée l’UTVV sera ma plus belle course, la course parfaite sans préparation, toute une région mobilisée pour moi, mon nom sur les route, des gamins pour m’accompagner après les CPs et a 2h du matin des fois, des mères de famille venir me récupérer à 2 km des CPs pour que je passe les foutus BH, je la passe la dernière à 1min prêt au 140KM.

Purée il y’a une humanité sur cette terre et c’est là que je prendrai toute mes forces. Mon nom sur le sol, j’ai jamais vécu ça. Purée par ma Counnerie si j’ai fait rêver ses gamins a courir un jour, putainnnnnn je peux mourrir tranquille , mais le plus tard possible .

UTVV vous aurez été ma plus belle leçon de vie

Merci pour les échanges, les moments de fous rires, vous êtes au Top. Vous méritez bien le Salomon Golden Trail series. On croise les doigts pour les UTMB Series

Meheza Kpelou Walla, (French)

Emperor, 160km

Super well organized! Lots of restore points, beautiful landscapes. The 106km race goes through muontains, valleys, wine yards, on single tracks and just a minimum part on tarmac, great volunteers cheering you up calling your name! Do it!!

Marco Parise, Italia

Centurion, 100km

Excellent and highly recommended trail race! The scenery is gorgeous, the volunteers were very kind and helpful, the food was varied and often homemade (the cakes and Nutella crepes were 👌), and I enjoyed the best massages at the halfway point and the end. There are showers & a sleeping room at the finish. Easily accessible from Ljubljana (bus from main bus station) or Trieste.

Paige Morrow, United Kindom

Centurion, 100km

I would like to thank all the people on the aid stations and the organizer. This was one of the best organized races I did. Good marking of the track, friendly people all over, helpful, the food on the stations perfect. I could really enjoy the race. Thank you!

Martina Kirschner-Trimmel (Austria)

Gladiator, 50km - 2017 - 2nd place

No doubt that Vipava Ultra was an amazing race on the paper and that was matched 100% by reality! With a group of 8 we travelled from Switzerland and in 2019 we will be back with a larger group! Our compliments to Bostian (race director) and its team! A special thanks to Slovenian People for caring so much about their beautiful Homeland! Thanks to all supporters along the race track! Nothing to complain about… a race that will grow up very fast and happy to have it s partner event! GREAT JOB. Hvala. Aaron Rezzonico, Organizer of Scenic Trail Switzerland.

Aaron Rezzonico (Switzerland) - Race Director at Scenic Trail

Legionar, 30km

Nice trails and scenery, perfectly marked course, it was a pleasure to run the 30k yesterday!

Barbara Conrad (Switzerland)

Legionar, 30km

Ultra trail Vipava Valley 163 km per un dislivello positivo di 6700 Mt portata a casa, in un tempo di 40 ore e 10 minuti e classificato 39 esimo su 59 partecipanti cosa dire più che soddisfatto nonostante un dolore al tibiale che mi ha fatto ritardare parecchio, gara veramente bella di sicuro da mettere in calendario anno prossimo organizzazione al top, sopra ogni aspetto, arrivare nei ristori alle due di notte come in ogni ora  del giorno e trovare gente a fare il tifo con canti e tamburi non ha prezzo, se poi vogliamo parlare del cibo locale dico solo che è una gara stampata addosso a me . Veramente un grazie a tutti gli organizzatori  e alla gente del luogo dell’ultra trail Vipava per la passione che ci mettono per far sì che questa gara sia al top!!!!!!!!

Stefano Piccioli (Italy)

Emperor, 160km

In za konec še par besed o organizaciji. Kapo dol, se vidi, da zadevo organizirajo ljudje, ki živijo s trail tekom in vedo, kako se zadevi streže. Vse je bilo, kot se spodobi. Proga odlično označena, okrepčevalnice primerno založene, prostovoljci zelo prijazni in ustrežljivi, 2 točki z opremo na 100 kilometrov sta redki luksus. Če še napeljejo žičnico čez zadnje skale ali tam naredijo poletno sankališče preko, da se zapeljemo, bo pa že kičasto 🙂 Malo se šalim 🙂 Hvala organizatorjem 🙂

Dušan Rauter (Slovenia)

Centurion, 100km

Prvič sem se udeležil vašega trail teka na 106 km razdalji, saj sem se šele letošnje leto začel resneje ukvarjati s trail teki. Na srečo se mi je vse poklopilo in uspelo osvojiti 2 .mesto, tekma pa je bila od vsega začetka vrhunska…vrhunska organizacija, proga odlično označena, na postojankah odlično vzdušje…skratka fenomenalno. Prav tako sem spoznal v tem tednu Vipavsko dolino in moram priznati še bolj se mi je vtisnila v spomin čudovita narava in tekaške stezice, ki jo oblegajo. Pohvale organizaciji in hvala za čudoviti spomin, ki ga bom nosil vse življenje v sebi !!!!!!! ČESTITKE in poklon vsem prostovoljcem in organizatorju

Andraž Pogorevc (Slovenia)

Centurion, 100km