

Discover Slovenia. A destination for active holidays, all year round! 

Climb to the top of a mountain or a hill. On foot or by bicycle. Have fun with your kids in family-friendly ski resorts. Feel the adrenaline. Breathe in the freshness of nature amid green forests, on horseback, by the water or on golf courses. Enter the world of active experiences. Experience Slovenia your way.

Get inspired for your next active adventure in Slovenia

Visit link: click here


Diverse worlds, ways of life, cultures, climates, and geological formations intersect in the Vipava Valley. The Valley’s nature is so diverse and picturesque it simply calls for exploration. The colourful landscape of the Vipava Valley excites every hiker, although cyclists like to say that the Vipava Valley, with all there is to see, is best experienced on two wheels. Hiking trails of various difficulty, all of which captivate with their vistas, surprise with their landmarks and excite with possibilities for a cosy rest. Beyond its wealth of options, Valley visitors appreciate the pristine vibe, kindness and surprising culinary treats. True, you can engage in your preferred outdoor activity all over the globe, but the Vipava Valley is one of a kind, we assure you. https://www.vipavskadolina.si/en/ 


Thanks to our exceptional natural surroundings, you can spend your active holiday in a different way. Discover unique local specialities, meet rich cultural heritage and luxurious flavours. Treat yourself to heavenly experiences in the pristine natural environment, all while discovering the unique landscape defined by the vineyards. Experience our green lifestyle and try our green products. Experienced local guides will take you to discover the mysteries and beauties of the Vipava Valley. Choose one of the opportunities and discover our paradise. Browse through the offers and choose your top adventure.


SCARPA is a leading name in the outdoor sports footwear industry, with decades of experience. We are proud to have them as our partners as they are dedicated to promoting the outdoor lifestyle.

At our event’s EXPO, a store will offer you a unique opportunity to test their top trail and
other outdoor footwear. Not only that, but we are also proud to present their latest products
and offer an exclusive 20% discount on all SCARPA footwear.

Take advantage of this chance to purchase high-quality outdoor footwear at a discounted

Visit link: https://www.scarpa.com/


Primorska hranilnica je domača, lokalna in hitro razvijajoča se banka. Smo ponosni prejemniki certifikata NAJUGODNEJŠA BANKA 2023 na področju košarice najpogostejših bančnih storitev za fizične osebe in imamo dokazano najugodnejše pakete na trgu. Kot uradni pokrovitelj letošnjega UTVV na Primorski hranilnici vsem prostovoljcem ponujamo PAKET DOBRODOŠLICE z 12-mesečnim brezplačnim vodenjem paketov. Več o naši ponudbi in storitvah si lahko preberete na www.phv.si ali nas obiščite v naših poslovnih enotah v Vipavi, Ajdovščini, Novi Gorici ali Ilirski Bistrici. Primorska hranilnica, kjer nam je mar.

Ob najemu kredita je potrebno imeti v mislih, da bo kreditiranje premišljeno, racionalno in ustrezno posameznikovim zmožnostim. Na Primorski hranilnici vsem prostovoljcem letošnjega UTVV ponujamo ugodne potrošniške kredite brez stroškov odobritve in z odlično obrestno mero.

Zadovoljstvo naših strank je naša prioriteta, zato bomo veseli skupnega sodelovanja in obojestranskih uspehov. Vaše želje in potrebe nam sporočite na elektronsko pošto info@phv.si ali telefonsko številko 05/366-45-00. Tu smo, da vam pomagamo uresničiti vaše želje.


Kolektor Construction is one of the leading service providers in the field of construction in Slovenia and, with operational excellence, we ensure quality construction and above-average efficiency for all kinds of building works. We are aware that in today`s business environment it is very important to connect and collaborate with partners you can rely on. We know that you can trust only the best, those who believe in the advantages of knowledge and expertise. With our experience in building projects at the highest level we have made a name for ourselves in our region. Vision, courage and professionalism are the keys to our success.


Visit link www.kolektorgradbenistvo.si

Pasta – the first choice of both recreational and professional athletes during preparation and after matches

Mlinotest pasta is ideal for runners, cyclists and other athletes because it contains a high proportion of carbohydrates, which are the main source of energy for endurance effort and training. Carbohydrates before training and matches contribute to the filling of glycogen stores, whereas, after sports activity, consumed together with proteins, they help in muscle regeneration.

Simple and quick preparation, always different with diverse sauces: Mlinotest pasta will, in addition to sports achievements, take care of the gourmet pampering of your taste buds.

Visit link: click here

Julian Alps Trail Run

ATTENTION! 10% discount on all entry fees for the Julian Alps Trail Run by UTMB event!

I feel Slovenia Julian Alps Trail Run by UTMB – Kranjska Gora, 20. – 22. September 2024

An unforgettable running experience on the paths of the Julian Alps. The biggest trail running event on the sunny side of the Alps, and the only Slovenian event which is part of the UTMB World Series, will bring together runners from 60 countries around the world, who will be able to challenge themselves at 6 different distances. Shorter routes of 10, 15 and 25 km are also suitable for beginners in the world of trail running. While the routes of 50, 80 and 120 km are a real alpine running challenge.

It’s time to secure your spot. Some of the distances are already at 90% of full capacity! 

LINK: https://trailrun.si/en/home/

Archipelago Trail Run

New event in 2024! Archipelago Trail Run, 18. – 20. October 2024

3 Islands: Ugljan – Pašman – Dugi otok

The Archipelago Trail Run is a unique running experience where you’ll explore the Zadar Archipelago with every stride. Beautiful trails along the Adriatic coast, the pleasant scent of the sea, the stunning landscape of the Telascica Nature Park, and unforgettable views of the Kornati National Park. All of these are more than excellent reasons to sign up for the Archipelago Trail Run!

What makes this event special is not just the attractive destination, but also its unique format. You’ll have the option to choose between 1 stage (Saturday or Sunday) or 2 stages (Saturday and Sunday). Distances range from 10 to 80 km!

LINK: https://archipelagotrailrun.com/

Kočevsko Outdoor Festival

The Wildest Trail Run in Slovenia! Kočevsko Outdoor Festival, 31.5. – 2.6. 2024

10% discount with the discount code KOF10

If you had to find some of the wildest and remotest hidden gems in Slovenia, you would most certainly look for them in Kočevsko. Extensive forests, which are also home to many wild animals, cover a good part of Kočevsko. But they also hide many hidden gems, such as primeval forests, beautiful single-trails and breath-taking nature, which is certainly the most beautiful when it is dressed in a beautiful green colour.

There are 5 distances available at the Kočevsko Outdoor Festival: 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 km.

LINK: https://kocevsko-outdoor.si/en/

Discover the new standard of trail running with the new Raidlight Ultra 4!

Are you ready to test your limits on the most demanding terrains? The Raidlight Ultra
4 is your path to victory. With its innovative design combining lightness, durability,
and comfort, the Ultra 4 is an indispensable companion for every runner. Crafted
using the latest technology and premium materials, the Ultra 4 is designed for
exceptional performance over long distances. With its low weight and ergonomic
shape, it allows you to focus on your path, not your gear. No matter what trail you are
embarking on, the Ultra 4 provides the stability and support you need while
maintaining freedom of movement. Its precise adjustability and optimal ventilation
allow you to stay focused on your goal, regardless of the weather conditions.

Visit link: click here


Welcome to the Slovenian coast, to the most beautiful trail with views OBALA Ultra Trail powered by I FEEL SLOVENIA November 1-3, 2024

You can find us on UTVV Expo stand number 16, and get a nice prize if you register from April 25-29.

Mico and Karpos – innovation, technological advancement, and top-quality materials for all forms of outdoor movement

Proud partner of UTVV, the company Bora Sport Group, is a distributor of premium Italian brands Mico and Karpos. The latter is established as one of the leading manufacturers of clothing in the field of mountain sports, climbing, hiking, cycling, and trail running, while Mico is renowned for its technical sports socks and active underwear. Both share the goal of combining the specifics of outdoor sports with innovative technologies to inspire even more people to spend their leisure time in nature. Recently, both Mico and Karpos have deliberately ventured into the world of trail running in collaboration with top runners.

Check out the product collection at www.borashop.eu and take advantage of the exclusive additional UTVV discount of 15% on all Mico and Karpos products!

Promo code: UTVV15

*The maximum total discount possible is 40%

Si želite tekaške in športne aktivnosti za vso družino? Lepo vabljeni, da se nam pridružite v soboto 8. junija na Snežniških tekih 2024!

Odrasli tekači se boste lahko pomerili na progah Bistrška 10-ka na dolžini 10km, Milanja trail s 17km in Kozlek trail na 31km. Osnovnošolcem bodo na voljo tekmovanja za medalje v mladinskih tekih, najmlajši pa se bodi igrali in tekli v cici teku ter zabavali na animacijah za najmlajše. Če ste bolj umirjeni in se želite le malo nadihati svežega zraka, pa boste lahko izbirali med krajšim ali daljšim pohodom, nakaterega vas bodo popeljali vodniki iz PD Snežnik

Start in cilj vseh tekmovalnih prog so Črne njive nad Ilirsko Bistrico, na prizorišču je zagotovljeno brezplačno parkirišče, poskrbljeno je za topel obrok za tekmovalce, pohodnike in mladino, pijača pa bo na voljo v brunarici. Spletne prijave so na voljo na  povezavi  SnezniskiTeki2024 in se zaprejo 2. junija 2024 (oziroma prej v primeru zapolnitve maksimalnega števila udeležencev). Izkoristite 10% popust na skupinske prijave za skupine 5 ali več udeležencev in stecite z nami po poteh Snežniške planote. 

LINK: https://tdbistrc.org/snezniski-teki-2024/

Absolute Biokovo Challenge

Absolute Biokovo Challenge, the toughest race in Croatia, offers an unparalleled adventure through rugged terrain and breathtaking landscapes, testing the limits amidst the stunning backdrop of Biokovo mountain.

  • Extreme Challenge: 45.4 km / 4220 m ascent / 2920 m descent
  • Sky Challenge: 27.2 km / 2900 m ascent / 1790 m descent
  • High Challenge: 14 km / 1720 m ascent / 720 m descent
  • Vertical Challenge: 5 km / 1150 m ascent

Register today: https://stotinka.hr/hrv/dogadjaj/2163

and be part of the ultimate skyrunning experience.

Don’t miss the chance to push your limits!


Nrgy Unit Gel – 45 g CHO for high performance athletes

Looking for an energy gel that will follow you on all your running challenges? Nrgy Unit Gel is designed for trail runners who need reliable energy and hydration on every step. There’s a new formula that delivers advanced properties for maximum endurance. With an optimal glucose to fructose ratio of 1:0.8, Nrgy Unit Gel delivers fast and efficient energy intake that doesn’t stress your digestive system. The added electrolytes replace lost minerals and ensure continuous hydration even on the longest and most demanding runs. It is made with digestive-friendly ingredients that prevent digestive problems and allow runners to maintain high energy levels without problems. With Nrgy Unit Gel, no terrain, distance or intensity of exercise is a barrier.



Applies to ALPINA products in the ASA NAKLO store, Pivka 15a, 4202 NAKLO, tel. 04/27 70 800, email info@asa.si, www.asa.si. The discount is calculated at the checkout.

CODE for online purchase at www.asa.si:  UTVV2024X25

Validity May 31, 2024.
Discounts are not cumulative.

Visit link: click here

ATTENTION! 10% discount on all entry fees for the DOLOMITI EXTREME TRAIL!
Val di Zoldo Italy – 7/9 June 2024

Dolomiti Extreme Trail is much more than pure competition. Thanks to the uniqueness of the unspoilt landscapes you will live an experience that will definitely gratify you, regardless of the race result.

Val di Zoldo holds some of the most beautiful rocky mountain peaks of the Dolomites, UNESCO World Heritage.

You can choose one of the six DXT races, 103k, 72k, 55k, 22k, 11k up to the Mini DXT, to run through centuries-old paths that may be sometimes very daring, but will surely make you feel strong emotions. You will have the opportunity to discover and taste the wild charm of real mountain life, get in contact with locals of Val di Zoldo, a warm and authentic community able to convey to runners and to all its guests true excitement.

Dolomiti Extreme Trail: more than a race against time, it is a journey into oneself.

Trail or mountain running?

Four beautiful hills: Črna prst, Porezen, Blegoš and Ratitovec, waiting for you to visit them. Four organizers with four events throughout the year is inviting you to do this with a trail or mountain running challenge. What’s the difference? Visit us and experience the difference and heart of traditional events that made base for trail running. Don’t forget, the first official mountain run in Slovenia was precisely the run on Črna prst, way back in 1970 Don’t have time for four runs? Nothing easier, Ultra-Trail Pušeljc 100+ km on PTRF includes all four hills

Check out what Pušeljc mountain runs actually is at the link below:
