Jason Pecoraro

Jason Pecoraro

»Navodila za dogodivščine še niso bila napisana.« Komaj se je zgodba UTVV 2022 končala, že se začenja nova – UTVV 2023! Kalifornijec, Jason Siedler, ki je maja 100 milj pretekel v sandalih, zagotavlja, da se naslednje leto zopet vrača na vipavske stezice. Nekje sem...
Marcin Świerc #14

Marcin Świerc #14

When did you start running and why? My running experience was started when I was 16, twenty years ago. I started because I’ve like it and I still keep progres in my results. Once when I tried trail running I loved it so much and it doesn’t change until now The...
Maude Mathys

Maude Mathys

First name and last name: Maude Mathys Country: Switzerland Age: 34 Residence: Ollon Running Club: Salomon FB / IG Profile: maudemathys ITRA: Women no 1, 813 points Anja: I know you as the best female trail runner in the world and I also know you as a mother. And...
Loris Farolfi #7

Loris Farolfi #7

Name and surname: Loris Farolfi Nickname: FotoTrailRunning Age: 48 Town where you live: Castel Bolognese I’m Loris Farolfi, ultra trailer, for more than 10 years in the world of Trail Running. The mountains and nature are my second home and the pleasure of...
UTVV talks – Pau Capell #1

UTVV talks – Pau Capell #1

Pau Capell, champion of the UTWT 2018 and UTMB 2019! You are now already a Spanish and also a World legend of trail running and one of the best long trail athletes in the world! What is your main motivation to achieve such great results in trail running? My motivation...
Jason Pecoraro #4

Jason Pecoraro #4

Jason Pecoraro will be on start line of UTVV Slovenia 2021 on Emperor – 160km. He answered a few of our question on his view on trail running. I started running in 1996,to build stamina and speed, to keep up with the younger guys on the soccer...